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The Art of Translation

Grafik für Übersetzung, Weltkugel mit dem Wort Übersetzung in verschiedenen Sprachen Bild: geralt/pixabay.com. Freie Lizenz https://pixabay.com/de/service/license-summary/

For all citizen scientists interested in literature in different languages, there is the Digital Library and Bibliography of Literature in Translation and Adaptation , DLBT for short. The project was initiated by the Department of Dutch Studies at the University of Vienna and implemented in cooperation with the University Library and the Central IT Service.

As a central digital platform, the DLBT offers digital secondary literature combined with a digital library of (translated) primary literature, enriched with bibliographic metadata and links to the documents. The collection is constantly being expanded and now contains thousands of primary texts, reception documents and bibliographical entries in various languages. You can search, read and download in the DLBT, all without fees or registration. An integrated visualization tool makes it possible to visualize relationships between source texts and their various translations and adaptations and to illustrate cultural transfer processes.

How you can use the DLBT is described in detail in the instructions . In addition, you will also get to know a special DLBT work: The book of the month . 

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