Explore Citizen Science Projects
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  • What is citizen science?
    In very simplified terms, in citizen science, scientific projects are carried out with the assistance or completely by interested amateurs [lat. amator "lover"]. The Citizen Scientists formulate research questions, report observations, carry out measurements, evaluate data and/or write publications. Compliance…
  • About Österreich forscht
    What is Österreich forscht ( The Citizen Science Network Austria (founded in 2017) with the associated online platform Österreich forscht (launched in 2014) is a network of institutions from the fields of science, research, education and practice. Taking into consideration…
  • Welcome at Österreich forscht!

    Here you can find everything about Citizen Science in Austria. In the future, it should be just as normal to work in a citizen science project as to be a member of an association, e. g. the voluntary fire brigade or a music ensemble. We want people to see science no longer as an elite programme, but as a process that affects all our lives, a process which is an important part of society and is worth understanding. However, the fun and enjoyment of research should not be neglected. We do not understand citizen science as an infotainment concept, but as a collaborative process through which new insights can be gained.

    More about us

WG for quality critera (ongoing) At the annual platform meeting of Österreich forscht on 1 March 2017, the partners decided to set up a working group on quality criteria for citizen science projects. This became necessary because, due to new funding programmes and the level of awareness of citizen science…
Head: Daniel Dörler, BOKU University The open science trainings working group is concerned with specific open science tools and their discipline-specific application. Tools that are used in the entire research cycle are brought together in regular meetings. The tools identified form the basis for training workshops in which the use…
The dates listed here do not claim to be correct or complete. If you are aware of any dates that are not listed here, or if you discover an incorrect entry, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.…
Rebecca Stocker and Philipp Stöckle gave a behind-the-scenes look at the project in the episode 'The ABCs of Dialects' of our podcast "Wissen macht Leute". Details of this episode can be found here.
Language is one of the most important means of human communication, an essential part of our culture and it can also fulfill an identity-forming function. At the same time, it is constantly changing with the society that uses it. There are words that were used a century ago, but that…
“Wissen macht Leute” - the Citizen Science Podcast by Österreich forscht Since March 2022, Österreich forscht has been producing a monthly radio programme for Radio Orange that revolves around the topic of Citizen Science: "Wissen macht Leute" (knowledge makes people). Each episode brings listeners closer to the topic through interviews with scientists, citizen scientists or…
The working group for quality criteria was established to create criteria for the platform that are as objective, traceable and, above all, publicly visible as possible. Head: Florian Heigl and Daniel Dörler, BOKU University At the annual platform meeting of Österreich forscht on 1 March 2017, the partners decided to…


  • mushrooms
  • food
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  • weather
"Pilzfinder" - what it's all about Until a few decades ago, knowledge of wild edible and poisonous mushrooms was widespread. Especially the older population knew about the seasonal occurrence of the mushrooms. Finding mushrooms is a popular hobby for young and old, which is accompanied by great experience. In order…
The project aims at a comprehensive documentation of the occurrence and distribution of fungi in Austria, and to present and evaluate the available data. It is an Austria-wide cooperation of numerous mycologists, citizen scientists and institutions, which collect distribution data of fungi or hold collections of fungal specimens, coordinated…
The kestrel is the most common raptor in the city of Vienna. Since 2010, the "Vienna Kestrel Project" has been investigating how these falcons have adapted to city life. A key component of our research is knowledge about nest locations which allow us to access broods for further investigation. The…
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences is the third university of applied sciences to join the Citizen Science Network Austria. With its 3,200 students in the departments of Applied Social Sciences, Business and Tourism, Creative Technologies, Health Sciences, Design and Green Engineering and Information Technologies and Digitalisation, Salzburg University of Applied…

Phänologie - Naturkalender - Phenowatch

  • food
  • plants
  • animals
  • health
  • weather
Since 1851, we have been researching the changes in weather, climate and nature and what this means for us humans by observing plants and animals. These phenological observations help, for example, in climate research, agriculture and pollen forecasting in order to better deal with climate change. What are the aims…
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