Working groups

Here you can find the working groups of the Citizen Science Network Austria. They are constantly advancing the method of citizen science, the platform and the network.


Head: Florian Heigl, BOKU University During the annual platform meeting of the Citizen Science Network Austria on 31.01.2018, the participating partners decided to establish a working group on open biodiversity databases. The following points have encouraged us to deal with this topic: An ethical dilemma arises when data that has been collected together with the population is stored in a locked database. In the future,…
The working group for quality criteria was established to create criteria for the platform that are as objective, traceable and, above all, publicly visible as possible. Head: Florian Heigl and Daniel Dörler, BOKU University At the annual platform meeting of Österreich forscht on 1 March 2017, the partners decided to set up a working group on quality criteria for citizen science projects. This became necessary…
Head: Tobias Reckling, University of Vienna In the course of creating quality criteria for citizen science projects on Österreich forscht, it soon became apparent that for certain areas recommendations for existing and new citizen science projects were needed, which could be used as a guideline for the project leaders. A very important area is legal issues, which often come up to project leaders for the…
Head: Daniel Dörler, BOKU University The open science trainings working group is concerned with specific open science tools and their discipline-specific application. Tools that are used in the entire research cycle are brought together in regular meetings. The tools identified form the basis for training workshops in which the use of the individual tools is explained. Experts are invited to lead the training workshops. The…
Orchestration: Eveline Wandl-Vogt (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Austrian Academy of SciencesThomas Jekel (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), c/o University of Vienna, Institute for Geography and Regional ResearchChristoph Kremer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Ars Electronica Center – Museum of the Future Partners: Ars Electronica, Ars Electronica Research Institute Knowledge for humanity Knowledge for Development Community Creates Mobility School of Knowledge Science with Museum of Knowledge Sciences SciTechArt - Verein für Wissenschaftliche und Technologische Kunst Spotteron The number…
The Austrian Citizen Science Conference takes place annually and is organised by the partners of the Citizen Science Network Austria. Head: Daniel Dörler, Florian Heigl The Working Group "Conference" organizes the annual Austrian Citizen Science Conference. It is composed of the local organization team, which changes every year depending on the conference location, and a team of dedicated individuals, which on the one hand takes care…
Working group for citizen science in/with schools Coordinators: Petra Siegele, Elisabeth Schauermann, Marika Cieslinski (currently on maternity leave) (Centre for Citizen Science, OeAD) The working group ‘Citizen Science at/with schools’ was founded as part of the platform meeting on 26 June 2019 in Obergurgl to bring together the numerous experiences from the cooperation between science and schools. The members of the working group come from…
Mission and goals of the working group The aim of the WG is to intensify cooperation in German-speaking countries, to use synergies, to exchange best practices and to establish short paths of (informal) exchange. The goals are: The expansion of personal contacts and the establishment of closer cooperation. Identifying and setting common priorities To enable trilateral project consortia and to initiate concrete projects. The further…
Head: Florian Heigl, Daniel Dörler and Ronald Würflinger Goal: The aim of this working group was to develop a strategy including an action plan for the development of the Citizen Science Network Austria and the associated platform Österreich forscht until 2027. During the platform meeting on December 3, 2020, all partners present decided to establish this working group in order to achieve the above-mentioned goal. The…
WG for quality critera (ongoing) At the annual platform meeting of Österreich forscht on 1 March 2017, the partners decided to set up a working group on quality criteria for citizen science projects. This became necessary because, due to new funding programmes and the level of awareness of citizen science that has been achieved in the meantime, more and more projects consider themselves as citizen…