Hive Explorer by Livin Farms (c) livin farms
Institution: Livin Farms
Project lead: Mariela Bartosch
2.Haidequerstraße 1-3 Halle 42, 1110 Wien
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Explorer Challenge

The Austrian start-up Livin Farms develops innovative technologies for the sustainable breeding of insects. Food and other organic residues can be recycled with the help of insects and converted back into valuable proteins. In this way, cycles can be closed and food systems can be made more sustainable.

Explorer Challenge

Education is another central aspect at Livin Farms. As part of the Explorer Challenge school project Livin Farms brings sustainability, circular economy and insects to schools. The project is for public secondary schools in Vienna and runs in cooperation with the Vienna Business Agency. Participation in the project is free.

School classes receive up to 3 Hive Explorer (mini mealworm farms) per school for up to one semester. Participating school classes develop their own research questions on insects and insect breeding and implement experiments to find answers. The results are documented and presented.

Through the participation of the students as Citizen Scientists, new research questions are developed. Thereby new knowledge and new insights are generated and research on the subject of insects as an alternative source of protein is supported.

Other schools are also invited to participate. To receive a Hive Explorer, these schools can check the website or send an to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Tagged under
  • animals
  • food
Read 1876 times| Last modified on Friday, 21 October 2022 09:51