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MA 22

The Municipal Department 22 for Environmental Protection (MA 22 for short) of the City of Vienna is the only authority that is represented with a citizen science project on Österreich forscht, namely the "Wiener Gebäudebrütern". However, MA 22 has been focusing on citizen science for a long time. With the help of the apps "Naturbeobachten in Wien" and "Wiener Flora und Fauna App" and via e-mail, nature observations in Vienna can be reported by the public. In July 2016, the people of Vienna were called upon to report stag beetles (Lucanus cervus), a strictly protected species typical for Vienna. More than 400 reports were received, which can now be incorporated into the work of MA 22.

MA 22 is thus also an international pioneer, because in only a few countries authorities use citizen science as a scientific method. As one of the first partners of Österreich forscht, MA 22 has shown, by joining the Citizen Science Network Austria, that it wants to continue to work with citizens to improve environmental protection in the city of Vienna.

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