(c) by Daniel Dörler

BOKU University

BOKU University was founded in Vienna in 1872 and offers a wide range of courses in the natural and life sciences, which is currently used by more than 12,000 students. Through its applied study programmes, BOKU has a long tradition of cooperation with the general public. Thus, one of the university's main focuses is also the communication of new findings to the general public.

In the past, BOKU has carried out numerous Sparkling Science as well as Participatory and Transdisciplinary projects. Since 2013, a working group has been working intensively on Citizen Science, and in 2015 it also held the first Austrian Citizen Science Conference, which is now held annually. This working group is running the platform "Österreich forscht" and founded the Citizen Science Network Austria in 2017 to further strengthen the cooperation between scientific institutions and the general public.

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