(c) by Benjamin Missbach

Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft

The Ludwig Boltzmann Society (LBG) is a research institution with thematic focuses in medicine, the life sciences as well as the humanities, social and cultural sciences, and it specifically initiates new research topics in Austria. Together with academic and applying partners, the LBG currently operates 18 Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes and develops and tests new forms of cooperation between science and non-scientific actors such as companies, the public sector and civil society.

Socially relevant challenges, which research can help to overcome, are to be identified and addressed at an early stage. In 2016, the LBG Career Center, which supervises 200 pre- and postdocs, and the LBG Open Innovation in Science Centre, which aims to unlock the potential of Open Innovation for science, were established. With " Reden Sie mit!" the Ludwig Boltzmann Society was one of our first partners, and is still a reliable, competent and active member, without whom the Citizen Science Network Austria would not be what it is today. We would like to thank the LBG and especially the OIS Center for their support and are looking forward to further cooperation!