Kleines Nachtpfauenauge Ernst Mosshammer/Schmetterlingsapp.at

Blühendes Österreich

The Blühendes Österreich Foundation was established by REWE International AG in May 2015. It is the first and leading non-profit private foundation for the protection and promotion of biodiversity in Austria. The core purpose of the foundation is to support owners and managers of valuable and endangered ecological areas such as meagre meadows, dry grassland, traditional orchards, moors and wetlands, hedges and raines or old tree populations in Austria. This is mainly done with partners from agriculture, nature and environmental protection organisations and science. In order to achieve a significant impact with the Biodiversity Programme, the programme is designed for the long term.

Support is given to producers of REWE but also to other private enterprises as well as nature, animal and environmental protection associations which also look after and manage valuable areas. With this approach, the Foundation Blühendes Österreich is on the one hand a considerable driving force for the protection of biodiversity and on the other hand a strong, trustworthy supporter and partner of nature and nature conservation associations. Furthermore, the Foundation supports projects that make a valuable and measurable contribution to the conservation of species and ecosystem diversity as well as to nature and environmental education.

In addition to these activities, Blühendes Österreich also runs a citizen science project, the Schmetterlinge Österreichs (Austria's butterflies), which aims to carry out a census of Austria's butterflies. With the help of committed citizens, some species have already been rediscovered in areas where they have not been described for many years.

All this makes Blühendes Österreich an important partner in the Citizen Science Network Austria and we are very happy to have the foundation as a competent supporter.

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